I'm Here, I'm Just Not Quite There...Yet
It has been 10 days since I have arrived in Prague to start my Remote Year. It has been a whirlwind of excitement and emotion. As much work as it took to get To this point, I still have a ways to go. I am getting more settled with a routine, and nailing down my eating and work schedule. I am here, but I am just not quite there yet, and that is ok.
There has been no lack of memories made in the first week or so of this adventure. Below are some of my thoughts:
Prague is a beautiful city, it is full of beautiful buildings, cobblestone streets, amazing churches and they LOVE ice cream.I have not seen it all yet, and can't wait to explore more over the next 3 weeks.

My remote year group is eclectic, funny, unique, talented and smart. They are from all over the world and I could not have asked for a better group to be a part of. I have a feeling the program will need to change the length of what they call the "Honeymoon Stage" after our group.
My Digs
I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with two roommates who are both from Chicago. It is a great set up, I have a bed, a balcony, a shower, a kitchen, and a roof, and could not ask for more. My apartment is on the 6th floor of this building, and I have decided to take the stairs each time I go up. You might think I got ass implants when you see me next, but let it be known, I am just taking the stairs, A LOT. (Only a few select people will get that joke, you know who you are)

My workspace is called K10 and it is the former Danish Embassy. It is just like your office, if your office was straight out of a Jason Bourne/James Bond movie. It is about a 10 minute walk from my apartment. It is an absolutely beautiful place to work. The backyard is my dream backyard, it has a huge lawn with trees, bushes, and flowers. I am 98% certain that behind it, is Narnia. They also have an area where I can stand and work, for those of you who know me well, this is a game changer, but not as much as it has been for Sean (#tallguyproblems).
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but want to eat dinner with me?
Being the first week, I have had more meals with people I just met, then I have in my whole life which has been amazing. On Sunday, after spending the afternoon on an impossible historic Scavenger Hunt (thanks Cookie), I found myself in a pub with 3 gentlemen who were with me on the hunt. One from Australia, one from the UK, the other from the USA. The next two hours were spent telling stories, laughing, drinking beer, and me experiencing tartar for the first time. It was amazing. Later that night, I found myself with a completely different group of people and was served escargot for the first time. The food has not disappointed at all, and I have even found a Mexican food place close by to get that fix when it comes up, which for those of you who know me, is often.
All and all, the experience of getting to this point has been unlike anything I have been through in my life. The packing, the researching, the ordering from Amazon (all the way up to my last day in the states), and the delay of my luggage has taught me a lot. I can happily say, this is just the beginning.Until next time, Dobry Den!